Thu, Aug 11, 2022

Civil engineering chairperson is the first CE Ph.D. degree holder

Engr. Marie Wendy Frany, Civil Engineering department chairperson, recently earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering degree at the University of the Philippines - Diliman on August 5, 2022.
by Jazzel Llaneli M. Manabat   – 2022 News  |  Faculty Development


Engr. Marie Wendy Frany, Civil Engineering department chairperson, recently earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering degree at the University of the Philippines - Diliman on August 5, 2022.

According to College of Engineering and Technology dean Dr. Miriam S. Galvez, Engr. Frany is the first civil engineering faculty member to obtain a doctoral degree focused on CE.

In a Facebook post, the UP Institute of Civil Engineering recognized Engr. Frany as one of their two Ph.D. graduates.

"The event was also special because we celebrated the graduation of our two Ph.D. graduates, Dr. Marie Wendy Frany and Dr. John Arvin Manaloto," the post read.

Engr. Frany completed her degree during the second semester of academic year 2020-2021. The conferment of degrees was held this year at the University Theater of UP Diliman, the first in-person recognition rites of the institute since the start of the pandemic.

Her dissertation is titled "Reliability Analysis of the Horizontal Infiltration Gallery at O'Donnell River, Armenia, Tarlac using Analytical and Numerical Modeling."

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